CT Hockey 4v4

Summer 4v4
Eight (8) game season plus playoffs. One (1) pre-season skills session prior to the season start. Open for team or individual ("Free Agent") registration. No checking in any division. Jersey included. Registration will close on June 1st.
- Squirt – Tuesdays after 6:00 (DIVISION IS FULL, Waitlist Only)
- PeeWee – Thursdays after 6:00 (DIVISION IS FULL, Waitlist Only)
- Bantam – Wednesdays after 6:00 (DIVISION IS FULL, Waitlist Only)
- HS Varsity / College – Sundays after 12:00 PM (DIVISION IS FULL, Waitlist Only)
Email admin@cthockey.net if interested in fielding a full team.
Schedule subject to change. Mite through Bantam Division will be limited to 4 Teams. High School Division limited to 10 Teams.
- Two (2) 20 minute running time periods
- Penalty Shot format for all penalties
- No checking in any division
- Jersey will be provided
Registration is currently closed. Questions should be directed to:
CT Hockey 4v4